Friday 3 May 2013

Chapter Three - The Compromise

In this chapter, we meet two more characters, Burris Ewell and Walter Cunningham. Burris Ewell is described by Scout to have 'cooties', a dark grey neck, the backs of his hands are rusty and his fingernails are black. He only goes to school for the first day of each year and is very rude to the teacher, he is easily angered. No one argues with him, they accept that he doesn't obey the law. Miss Caroline tries to argue her opinion, but the class tell her not to bother, but she is reluctant to let the subject go.
Walter Cunningham is a more obscure character. On our first encounter with him, Miss Caroline offers him money, but he declines this offer. Scout explains to Miss Caroline he doesn't take what he can't pay back, and Miss Caroline whips her with a ruler and gets her to stand in the corner, which revisits Miss Caroline's stubborn character and pushes the reader more off of her side.
When Scout goes home, Culpurnia, the family cook, is nice to her. Atticus asks Scout to read with him, Scout explains she's been asked not to and asks to not go to school anymore. They agree that if Scout continues to go to school, they can carry on reading secretly.


  1. Excellent chapter summary Becca, greta descriptions of the characters as they are introduced :)

  2. A really clear record of your reading so far. Will you keep this going through all the chapters?

  3. Some nice details and accurate descriptions provided - This really allows you to understand each character in depth.
