Friday 3 May 2013

Chapter Two - Day One of School

The chapter starts off with Dill leaving back to the Meridian. This adds a sense of lonliness to Scout, especially as she attends her first day of school and this feeling of lonliness is revisited when her brother Jem tells her not to talk to him at school. We also meet Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline.
Miss Caroline is presented to have a very closed mind, if anyone has a different opinion to her, they're wrong. This is highlighted when she learns that Scout is literate, so she tells her to stop learning, because she'ss not suppoesd to learn to write until the 3rd grade. Scout is clearly upset by this, and she gets punished for arguing her point. This puts the reader on Scout's side, showing that the author is annoyed or was annoyed about an education system, and the discouragement of learning ahead, the idea that students shouldn't stand out, they should all be at the same level.

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